Archives: Orientations
FY24 Office-Wide: Overview of DOJ Grant Award Audits
Overview of DOJ Grant Award Audits Marie Evangelist and Elizabeth Smith, Office of the Inspector General
FY 24 Office Wide: National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms
Presenter: Jennifer Becker, Battered Women’s Justice Project ~
FY24 Abuse in Later Life Orientation Next Steps
FY24 Office Wide: Interpretation Technical Assistance & Resource Center (ITARC)
Presenter: Cannon Han, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
FY24 Office Wide: The National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
Presenter: Kristin Burki, NCALL The ASL recorded version of this orientation will be made available by January 17th.
FY24 Office Wide: The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims
Presenter: Sandra Harrell, Activating Change
FY24 Office Wide: Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC)
Presenter: Jennifer Landhuis, AEquitas SPARC The ASL recorded version of this orientation will be made available by January 17th