Document Author: End Violence Against Women International
EVAWI Training Bulletin: Important Things to Get Right About the Neurobiology of Trauma- Part 2: Victim Responses During Sexual Assault
This training bulletin series explores some central concepts in the “neurobiology of trauma,” as it is understood by people working with sexual assault victims. Understanding essential scientific findings and avoiding […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin: How to Provide Expert Training for Law Enforcement
Nearly every week, we receive a request for assistance identifying expert speakers to present at a local training event for law enforcement. Often, we are asked if EVAWI can provide […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin: Forensic Exams for the Sexual Assault Suspect
The purpose of this Promising Practices article is to make the case for the importance of suspect examinations, to explore some of the reasons why they often are not done, […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin: Becoming Trauma-Informed: Learning and Appropriately Applying the Neurobiology of Trauma to Victim Interviews
This training bulletin is designed to help agencies conduct an assessment and make improvements in their interviewing practices with victims of sexual assault, as well as victims and witnesses of […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin The Investigating Officers Direct Exam:
When one thinks about the many dramatic moments in trial, the direct examination of the investigating officer (IO) is probably not the first thing that springs to mind. Little can […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin Series: Laboratory Analysis of Biological Evidence and the Role of DNA in Sexual Assault Investigations
This series of training bulletins on DNA evidence is based on our 32-hour OnLine Training Institute module, Laboratory Analysis of Biological Evidence and the Role of DNA in Sexual Assault […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin Series: Investigating Sexual Assault Against People with Disabilities
This training bulletin series is developed from the law enforcement perspective, to improve the investigation and prosecution of sexual assaults perpetrated against people with disabilities. This information is designed to […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin Series: Gender Bias in Sexual Assault Response and Investigation
We introduce the concept of implicit bias and briefly review the decades of neurobiological and social scientific research that document its existence and impact. We begin by reviewing the concept […]
EVAWI Training Bulletin Series: Crime Victims’ Rights: Protecting Crime Victims’ Rights
As we so often highlight in our training materials, there are many barriers that prevent the vast majority of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking victims from reporting the crime […]