EVAWI Training Bulletin Series: Crime Victims’ Rights: Protecting Crime Victims’ Rights

As we so often highlight in our training materials, there are many barriers that prevent the vast majority of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking victims from reporting the crime and participating in the process of a criminal prosecution. Not only does this deny victims their right to pursue justice, but it creates a situation where most offenders are given a “free pass” to continue re-perpetrating in our communities. Any steps we can take to reduce these barriers can therefore help victims to engage in the process – and remain engaged – so we can hold more offenders accountable. One strategy for achieving this goal is ensuring that crime victims’ rights are protected. The goal for this training bulletin series is to help community professionals answer the “bottom line,” which is: Are crime victims’ rights real in your community? Are there protocols in place that translate victims’ rights from theory to practice? Are there procedures to ensure that victims are informed of their rights? Are there policies and protocols designating how a victim’s rights will be protected? Is there a process to follow when victims believe their rights have been violated? We hope this training bulletin provides you with the inspiration for collective action, as well as the information and resources needed to help your community answer “yes” to all of these questions.

organization_for_library: End Violence Against Women International