The NCJFCJ’s mission is to improve the family court system and to raise awareness of the core issues that touch the lives of our nation’s children and families. The NCJFCJ provides resources, knowledge, and training through educational programs and trainings, technical assistance, and research.
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Grant Projects
Campus Technical Assistance and Resource Project
Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice (CPO Guide) Technical Assistance and Training Project
Comprehensive Training and Technical Assistance Provider to Judges on Domestic Violence
Enhancing Judicial Skills in Elder Abuse Cases
Enhancing Practice in Domestic Violence Inquiries: Training and Technical Assistance for Evaluative Professionals
Firearms Technical Assistance Project
Meeting the Needs of Self–Represented Survivors in Custody and Visitation Cases
Judicial Education Development Initiative on Domestic Violence
Model Code on Custody and Domestic Violence
TA2TA Collaborative Conferences Project
TA2TA: The TA Provider Resource Center