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Bridging the Gap: Integrating SART and Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Team Principles to Support Military Connected Survivors

Hosted by: Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault

This virtual training examines how Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) and Coordinated Community Responses (CCRs) can work together to provide a more comprehensive and effective response for military-connected survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking (DVSAS). Participants will explore how to foster collaboration to ensure a trauma- informed, survivor-centered, and culturally responsive […]

Virtual Event


Youth-led Responses to Youth Sex Trafficking

Hosted by: International Organization for Adolescents

This youth-led, inter-active webinar aims to explore how OVW CYEM grantees can meaningfully and safely engage youth-at-risk and survivors of youth sex trafficking in their programs. Youth sex trafficking is a violation of human rights that affects millions of individuals worldwide, particularly youth. Trafficked youth often face severe psychological, physical, and emotional challenges that hinder […]

Virtual Event

Office Hours Sexual Assault Housing Collaborative

Hosted by: National Alliance to End Sexual Violence

Calling all sexual assault and housing professionals. Many survivors of sexual assault have complex housing needs throughout their lifespan. Yet, a disconnect remains around how sexual violence directly impacts housing. Connect with the National Sexual Assault Housing Collaborative and your peers on the third Thursday of every month at 2pm ET to explore emerging issues, […]

Virtual Event


Office Hours: By Prosecutors, For Prosecutors – Stalking and Protective Orders

Hosted by: AEquitas

Calling all prosecutors and allied professionals! Connect with AEquitas Attorney Advisors and your peers on the third Thursday of every month to examine prosecution strategies, emerging issues, promising practices, and more. Join us on February 20, 2025, to discuss Stalking and Protective Orders. The conversation will focus on 1) how protective orders (POs) complement domestic […]

Virtual Event


Advanced Course Alumni Reunion

Hosted by: Alliance for HOPE International

Please join Gael Strack, CEO of Alliance for HOPE International, with our amazing faculty and staff for a Reunion Webinar. All alumni of the Advanced Course on Strangulation Prevention are welcome to join us. This is our opportunity to share important updates since your attendance at our advanced course. We also want to hear about your accomplishments, […]

Virtual Event


New & Founding Executive Directors Navigating & Sustaining Black Leadership & Organizations

Join us for an engaging session where expert Executive Directors and CEOs share their proven strategies for successful leadership and organizational growth.   Conversational Goals: To provide a platform for Black program leaders to identify with and learn from expereinced leaders and former leaders of CSSP funded organizations. To provide promising solutions and ideas to […]

Virtual Event


Professional Leadership & Advancement Network (PLAN) Cohort

Hosted by: Futures Without Violence

Futures Without Violence Supporting Organizational Sustainability Institute (SOS Institute), invites executive directors of domestic violence and sexual assault organizations to participate in the fourth Professional Leadership & Advancement Network (PLAN) Cohort. The PLAN Cohort is a virtual eight-week course and ongoing cohort to support executive directors of survivor-serving organizations in their role to effectively manage, lead, and strengthen their […]

Virtual Event


VAW Court-Based Point of Contact Drop In Calls

Hosted by: National Center for State Courts

The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) supports the network of Violence Against Women Points-of-Contact based at the courts. As part of this effort, NCSC offers these meetings as a resource to share and exchange valuable information, provide a peer network of colleagues across the country, as well as serve as an opportunity to provide […]

Virtual Event

Hope and Healing for Those Who Have Experienced Sexual Violence

Hosted by: Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence (Third Sector New England

Join us for a one-hour conversation with Isa Woldeguiorguis, a national trainer in the fields of domestic and sexual violence. In this conversation about hope and healing for sexual violence survivors, advocates will improve their understanding of the spiritual aspects of healing and faith leaders will better understand the importance of a faith-based response to […]