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Office Hours: By Prosecutors, For Prosecutors – Stalking and Protective Orders

Virtual Event
  • This event has passed.
February 20 @ 2:00 PM4:00 PM EST
Hosted by: AEquitas

Calling all prosecutors and allied professionals! Connect with AEquitas Attorney Advisors and your peers on the third Thursday of every month to examine prosecution strategies, emerging issues, promising practices, and more.

Join us on February 20, 2025, to discuss Stalking and Protective Orders. The conversation will focus on 1) how protective orders (POs) complement domestic violence prosecutions, 2) how the federal full faith and credit law can be used to enforce POs in other jurisdictions, and 3) the intersection between stalking and PO violations.

If your office has been successful in implementing protective orders in stalking and domestic violence cases or has faced challenges doing so, then this is the Office Hours for you! This is NOT a webinar, but a chance to meet our experts to converse, brainstorm, and share best practices or challenges in a national conversation.

The discussion on February 20th will start at 2pm ET, and our panelists will be available to speak with you until 4pm.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqceyrrzovG9FFzD8wivgOgY3iE_26-TiR#/registration


Registration: Open
Topic Areas
  • Dating Violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual Assault
  • Stalking
Target Audiences
  • Law Enforcement
  • Prosecutors