What Do Sexual Assault Cases Look Like in Our Community? A SART Coordinator’s Guidebook for Case File Review Over the last several years, the Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault has worked to learn best practices and find better ways to complete case file reviews as an evaluation strategy for Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs). Case file review is one way for multi-disciplinary teams to learn about their actual response to victims versus what they believe is happening during the response, and can be an exceptionally valuable strategy to identify ways to improve system response and agency practice to sexual assault. The case file review process is broken down into nine modules. Designed to be easy to use and understand, each module is only a few pages in length and includes two sections: 1) Facilitator’s Guide and 2) Lesson Plan. This toolkit is meant to be adaptable to the needs of SART teams and the community. There are additional tools and resources embedded throughout the toolkit.
What Do Sexual Assault Cases Look like in our Community – A SART Coodinator’s Guidebook for Case File Review
Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault