Document Author: Vera Institute of Justice
Rape Crisis Centers: Measuring Capacity to Serve Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors with Disabilities
This manual is designed to improve services for people with disabilities who have experienced sexual violence. It is our hope that rape crisis centers that have a strategic objective to […]
Residential Domestic Violence Programs: Measuring Capacity to Serve Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors with Disabilities
This manual is designed to improve services for people withdisabilities who have experienced domestic violence. It is our hope that residential domestic violence programs that have a strategic objective to […]
Domestic Violence/Rape Crisis Dual Agencies: Measuring Capacity to Serve Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors with Disabilities
This manual is designed to improve services for people withdisabilities who have experienced domestic violence and/or sexual violence. It is our hope that dual rape crisis/domestic violence (residential and nonresidential) […]
Disability Organizations: Measuring Capacity to Serve Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivors with Disabilities
This manual is designed to improve services for people with disabilities who have experienced domestic and sexual violence. It is our hope that disability organizations that have a strategic objective […]
Forging new collaborations: a guide for rape crisis, domestic violence, and disabilty organizations
Between 2006 and 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women funded the development of collaborations between victim services and disability organizations in more than 40 communities […]
Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Budgeting for Access Tip Sheet
When planning events – meetings, conferences, roundtables, seminars, etc. – there are accommodations necessary to ensure that attendees with disabilities and Deaf attendees have complete access to the venue and […]
Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf Individuals: Registration Tip Sheet
Registration is a critical part of any successful event. It provides an opportunity for event organizers to collect information and payment, if appropriate, from individuals who will be attending the […]
Cultivating Evaluation Capacity: A Guide for Programs Addressing Sexual and Domestic Violence
To ensure that they deliver what they promise – and do so cost-effectively – social service providers that serve victims of sexual and domestic violence are beginning to recognize the […]
Culture, Language, and Access: Key Considerations for Serving Deaf Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Recent research suggests that Deaf women experience higher rates of sexual and domestic violence than their hearing counterparts, but are often shut off from victim services and supports that are […]