Document Author: Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Who is Impacted by Sexual Violence
This resource reviews who is or can be affected by sexual violence.
What is Sexual Violence
This resource review definitions of sexual violence and the importance of having a nuanced definition of sexual violence.
What Do Sexual Assault Cases Look like in our Community – A SART Coodinator’s Guidebook for Case File Review
What Do Sexual Assault Cases Look Like in Our Community? A SART Coordinator’s Guidebook for Case File Review Over the last several years, the Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the […]
Using STOP Funding to Meaningfully Address Sexual Violence
This resource is a tool for STOP administrators to meaningfully respond to sexual assault. With a specific focus on the STOP 20% sexual assault set aside, it details several activities […]
Using A Ten-Factor Framework for Sexual Assault Response Team Effectiveness for STOP Grant Making Strategies
This tool takes a closer look into the findings of the Ten-Factor Framework for Sexual Assault Response Team Effectiveness findings and outlines ways for STOP Administrators to fund effective sexual […]
Summary of A Ten-Factor Framework for Sexual Assault Response Team Effectiveness
This resource summarize the Ten-Factor Framework Report for Sexual Assault Response Team Effectiveness. It is a two page summary of the ten factors of successful SARTs, including six internal team […]
Sexual Violence and Reporting: By the Numbers
This resource reviews sexual violence reporting and why many victims/survivors chose to not report to law enforcement.
Must-Haves for a Meaningful Response to Sexual Violence
This resource reviews the “must-haves” concepts needed for a meaningful response to sexual violence covered in the Sexual Violence Justice Institute’s STOP Administrators’ Academy.
Best Practices for SARTs
The resource provides best practices for Sexual Assault Response Teams when supporting LGBTQIA+ victims/survivors and LGBTQIA+ communities.