Document Author: National Network to End Domestic Violence
Online Coordinated Care Networks and Referral Systems: Confidentiality Considerations for Victim Service Providers
Referral databases (or coordinated care network databases) electronically store and share information across many community partners.
Older Technology Safety Tips
Talk of technology abuse and technology privacy often focuses on the newest devices, services, and platforms. Yet, older technologies, such as cordless phones, and fax machines, are not only still […]
Older Technology Safety Tips
Talk of technology abuse and technology privacy often focuses on the newest devices, services, and platforms. Yet, older technologies, such as cordless phones, and fax machines, are not only still […]
My Sudo App Review
A review from the Safety Net Team at NNEDV of the My Sudo privacy app, designed to disconnect online accounts and activity with personal information in order to increase privacy […]
Mobile Advocacy
This resource for victim service providers covers privacy and safety concerns when using phones or other mobile devices for work with survivors.
Meeting Sexual Violence Survivors’ Housing and Support Services Needs in Your Transitional Housing
This document outlines sexual violence survivors’ unique housing and support service’s needs. It provides specific information and resources for how transitional housing programs can increase access for sexual violence survivors […]
Intermediarios de datos: Que son y que puede hacer con respecto a ellos
El recurso explica los riesgos para la privacidad de los sobrevivientes publicados por los intermediarios de datos y las diferentes estrategias potenciales para abordar este problema en la planificaci?n de […]
FAQs for Victim Service Programs About HIPAA Privacy, HIPAA Security, and Technology
Victim service providers need technology that provides appropriate privacy protections to help them comply with VAWA, VOCA, and FVPSA confidentiality obligations. Use of the term “HIPAA-Compliant” by technology vendors sometimes […]