Document Author: National Network to End Domestic Violence
Tech Talk 10: What’s Mine Is Yours: Understanding Digital Sharing and Technology Abuse
Available on In this Tech Talk, we explore how digital sharing can lead to potential tech misuse and the impact of trends like location sharing on survivors. Advocates […]
Lista de comprobación para la revisión de aplicaciones de coparentalidad y visitas
La Lista de comprobación para la revisión de aplicaciones de coparentalidad y visitas es un recurso complementario a “Consideraciones para jueces y proveedores de visitas supervisadas: Aplicaciones para coparentalidad y […]
Consideraciones para jueces y proveedores de visitas supervisadas: Aplicaciones para coparentalidad y visitas
Este recurso analiza los posibles problemas de seguridad que pueden surgir para los sobrevivientes a raíz de las aplicaciones de crianza compartida y de visitas, y cómo los jueces pueden […]
Co-parenting and Visitation Apps Review Checklist
The Co-parenting and Visitation Apps Checklist is a companion resource to “Considerations for Judges and Supervised Visitation Providers: Co-parenting and Visitation Apps.” It provides a rubric to help judges use […]
Considerations for Judges and Supervised Visitation Providers: Co-parenting and Visitation Apps
This resource discusses potential safety issues for survivors arising from coparenting and visitation apps, and how judges can use a technology safety lens as part of evaluating apps that they […]
Automóviles conectados: Privacidad y seguridad para las personas sobrevivientes
Este recurso analiza las formas en que se puede hacer un mal uso de la tecnología de los automóviles conectados y describe opciones para documentar y recuperar el control.
Connected Cars: Privacy and Security for Survivors
This resource discusses ways that connected car technology can be misused, and describes options for documentation and regaining control.
Working Remotely: Tips for Setting Up Phones
Whether advocates are being asked to work from home during a public health crisis or they are able to work from home as part of their regular schedule, being able […]
Understanding Sexting and Non-Consensual Intimate Image (NCII) Sharing
It has become increasingly common to send intimate content to a partner as technology is replacing human interaction. Is sexting the problem? No, the misuse and sharing of these images […]