Document Author: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Custody and Visitation in Civil Protection Orders: Guiding Principles and Suggested Practices for Courts and Communities
Despite the fact that the majority of state civil protection order statutes confer legal authority upon judicial officers to include custody, visitation, and other child-related relief in civil protection orders […]
Custody and Parenting Time Orders: Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Strategies for Courts
This document provides a set of suggested practices and strategies for consideration by courts seeking to improve compliance with custody and parenting time orders. Main topics include exercising judicial leadership, […]
Civil Protection Orders: Strategies for Safe and Effective Service of Process
For civil protection orders to be effective, they must first be served on the respondent. While most states require that protection orders be personally served on the respondent, this can […]
Civil Protection Order: Case Law Update 2019
This document contains summaries of published state court decisions of interest related to civil protection orders, their issuance, and their enforcement for the year 2019. While most of these summaries […]
Building Sustainable Relationships with Schools to Improve Intervention and Response to Dating Abuse: A Toolkit for OVW Rural Grantees
This toolkit is a collection of resources and strategies to assist OVW Rural Grantees in developing sustainable relationships with schools. The first section examines the context of rural dating abuse […]
A Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases
Because custody cases involving abuse have intermingled issues of safety and access, judges require effective and accessible information and tools to aid their decision-making. The Judicial Guide contains 14 bench […]
Full Faith and Credit: A Passport to Safety, A Judge's Guide
This publication is also known as Passport to Safety and is designed to facilitate the efforts of states, tribes, and territories to implement Full Faith & Credit Provisions of the […]
Civil Protection Orders: A Guide for Improving Practice
This publication is known as the CPO Guide and is an updated version of the publication: A Guide for Effective Issuance & Enforcement of Protection Orders, also known as the […]