Document Author: National Center for State Courts
Video Remote Interpreting Implementation Tip Sheet: Benefits and Limitations
This tip sheet describes the benefits, concerns, and potential uses of video remote interpreting (VRI) in domestic violence and sexual assault cases. It includes a summary of VRI resources for […]
Protection Order Repositories, Web Portals, and Beyond: Technology Solutions to Increase Access and Enforcement
This report was produced by the National Center for State Courts in collaboration with the Center for Court Innovation and the National Center for Protection Orders and Full Faith and […]
Interpreting for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Cases
This introductory course seeks to equip court and legal interpreters with fundamental knowledge and insights about domestic violence and sexual assault that will enhance their ability to help LEP survivors […]
Guiding Principles for Ethical Interpretation in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Cases
The National Center for State Courts (NCSC), with support from the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice, has recently released the third and final module of Interpreting […]
Facilitating Access to Protection Orders-Technology Solutions to Overcome Barriers
This report describes technology solutions for improving access to civil protection orders, including online petition programs and e-filing, kiosks, videoconferencing, 24/7 access, and enhancing language access.