Document Author: End Violence Against Women International
EVAWI Training Module 11: Sexual Assault Response and Resource Teams (SARRT): A Guide for Rural and Remote Communities
This module provides an in-depth overview on Sexual Assault Response and Resource Teams (SARRTs) specifically for rural and remote communities. This course will provide you with much of the same […]
EVAWI Training Module 10: Clearance Methods for Sexual Assault Cases
In this module, we will provide information for law enforcement officers, investigators, and supervisors who make decisions regarding how to clear or otherwise close sexual assault cases. These determinations can […]
EVAWI Training Module 08: Sustaining a Coordinated Community Response: Sexual Assault Response and Resource Teams (SARRT)
This module provides an in-depth overview on Sexual Assault Response and Resource Teams (SARRTs). If you are from a rural or remote community, we suggest you complete EVAWI 11: Sexual […]
EVAWI Training Module 07: False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issue to Successfully Investigate Sexual Assault
This module is designed to directly confront this issue of false reporting. By doing so, we will try to answer those questions that have historically created a bigger hurdle for […]
EVAWI Training Module 06: Effective Victim Interviewing: Helping Victims Retrieve and Disclose Memories of Sexual Assault
The purpose of a law enforcement interview with a sexual assault victim is to help them: (1) remember details about their sexual assault, and (2) share those details with investigators. […]
EVAWI Training Module 05: Law and Investigative Strategy: What Kind of Sexual Assault is This
Although penal code definitions of criminal sex offenses vary, most are conceptually similar and can be understood by analyzing their elements. This type of analysis is represented in the charts […]
EVAWI Training Module 04: Preliminary Investigation: Guidelines for First Responders
This module accompanies the Model Policy on Investigating Sexual Assaults established by the IACP National Law Enforcement Policy Center. The purpose of the policy is to provide officers and investigators […]
EVAWI Training Module 03: Victim Impact: How Victims Are Affected by Sexual Assault and How Law Enforcement Can Respond
This module will describe the symptoms and stages often experienced by sexual assault victims. This information is provided in order to assist law enforcement and others in understanding the behavior […]
EVAWI Training Module 02: Dynamics of Sexual Assault: What Does Sexual Assault Really Look Like
Much of the thinking about sexual assault has not changed in the last 20-30 years, because this thinking continues to reflect a number of myths and misconceptions about rape, rape […]