Document Author: Center for Court Innovation
Fact Sheet: Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: A Checklist for Justice-System Practitioners
Directed at justice-system practitioners and agencies and others working with victims and offenders, this fact sheet provides answers to some of the most common and salient questions about intimate partner […]
Fact Sheet: Integrating Procedural Justice in Domestic Violence Cases
This fact sheet explains the concept of procedural justice and offers a few simple strategies for courts and domestic violence stakeholders to enhance procedural justice and improve outcomes for both […]
Fact Sheet: Adapting Deterrence Strategies for Domestic Violence Offenders
Recent research has uncovered promising strategies for deterring recidivism among domestic violence offenders. Courts across various jurisdictions promote effective deterrence by engaging in evidence-based strategies such as judicial monitoring and […]
Enhancing Collaboration Between Domestic Violence Courts and Supervised Visitation Services
An addendum to the Center’s Creating a Domestic Violence Court planning toolkit, this document focuses on enhancing the collaboration between courts handling domestic violence cases and supervised visitation and exchange […]
Effective Court Communication: Assessing the Need for Language Access Services for Limited English Proficient Litigants in Domestic Violence…
Ensuring meaningful access to justice for Limited English Proficient (LEP) litigants is an essential responsibility of the justice system. To gauge the status of language access services for litigants in […]
Domestic Violence Court Self-Assessment: Revisiting Goals, Challenges and Progress
For communities that have established a specialized domestic violence court, a self-assessment is an opportunity to revisit the goals and objectives identified as part of the initial planning process.
Cultural Responsiveness and the Courts
For a justice system to be truly just, it must be accessible to all individuals. However, litigants may face challenges when courts are not responsive to their cultural identity. For […]
COVID-19 and Domestic Violence: Lessons from Court Responses
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on survivors of domestic violence. This document reflects on lessons learned from this difficult period and highlights innovative responses by courts that […]
Collaborating with Victim Service Agencies
This fact sheet is meant to aid domestic violence court planners and practitioners in collaborating with system-based and community-based victim advocacy services.