Document Author: American University
U Visa Certifications: Range of Potential Certifiers at the Local, State, and Federal Government Levels
This handout will explore the range of potential certifiers that attorneys and advocates can work with to secure certifications that are a necessary prerequisite to filing their clients’ U visa […]
Health Care Resource Guide for Service Providers Aiding Immigrant Victims of Crime
This document provides a summary of NIWAP materials on access to healthcare with step-by-step instructions on how advocates and attorneys can utilize these documents to help their clients obtain access […]
Eligibility Under the Affordable Care Act for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Trafficking, and Other Serious Crimes
This factsheet provides the definition of “lawfully present” under the Affordable Care Act of 2010 to assist attorneys and advocates working with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, […]
Common Immigration Issues that Arise in Custody Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims and Their Children
By Candace Evilsizor, Leslye E. Orloff and Andrea Carcamo Cavazos, March 4, 2014
Access to Publicly Funded Legal Services for Battered Immigrants
This factsheet summarizes new regulations issued by the Legal Services Corporation in April 2014 implementing access to legal services provisions mandated in VAWA 2005.
Family Court Bench Card on Immigrant Crime Victim Access to Public Benefits and Services (June 13, 2014)
By Jordan Tacher, Leslye E. Orloff and David Stauffer – This bench card is intended for use by family court judges and provides an overview of benefits available to immigrant […]
Excerpts from U Visa Certification Tool Kit for Federal, State and Local Judges and Magistrates
This document contains excerpts from NIWAP’s U Visa toolkit for judges and magistrates. These excerpts include the U Visa Quick Reference for Judges reference guide, the U Visa Application Flow […]
How to Get a Detained Person to Court for Family Court Cases Involving Children and/or Criminal Proceedings
This handout will provide best practices for judges, attorneys and advocates on how to secure the attendance, in court proceedings, of immigrants who are being detained by the U.S. Department […]
Hawke and Demaj Factsheet: VAWA Confidentiality in State Family Court Proceedings
This factsheet summarizes federal court rulings on VAWA confidentiality in Hawke v. US Department of Homeland Security and Demaj v. Sakaj.