Document Author: AEquitas
Stalking Incident and Behavior Log
The stalking log should be used to record and document all stalking-related behavior. Recording this information will help to document the behavior for protection order applications, divorce and child custody […]
Stalking Cases: Law Enforcement Investigations and Report Writing
The questions below are meant to guide law enforcement investigations and documentation to help capture the full context of the situation, including the suspect’s behaviors, what the behaviors mean to […]
Stalking Awareness poster (black and white)
A black and white version of a poster featuring crossed-out words and phrases that are commonly used to discount the experiences and feelings of stalking victims. Also shows the slogan […]
Stalking Awareness poster
A poster featuring crossed-out words and phrases that are commonly used to discount the experiences and feelings of stalking victims. Also shows the slogan “Stalking: Know it, name it, stop […]
Stalking and Title IX: The Basics
A guide to Title IX and a school’s responsibilities in relation to stalking.
Stalking and Sexual Violence Infographic
An infographic on the co-occurrence of stalking and sexual violence.
Stalking and Sexual Violence Fact Sheet
A fact sheet on the intersection between stalking and sexual violence.