Document Author: AEquitas
Stalking Safety Strategies Handout
A guide on general safety planning tips and information for those experiencing stalking. This guide is not designed to replace a personalized safety plan created with the assistance of a […]
Stalking Response Strategies for Victim Service Providers: Quick Tips
A shortened guide for victim and survivor advocates on how to respond to someone experiencing stalking.
Stalking Response Strategies for Prosecutors
A handout providing quick tips for prosecutors on how to provide support for victims and how to prosecute offenders of stalking.
Stalking Response Strategies for Law Enforcement: Quick Tips
A short guide for law enforcement officers on how to respond to someone who may be experiencing stalking.
Stalking Response Strategies for College Campuses: Quick Tips
A shortened guide for college campus staff on how to respond to someone experiencing stalking.
Stalking Public Awareness Workshop Slideshow (accessible)
An accessible version (text-only) of a slideshow for a public awareness workshop on stalking.
Stalking Public Awareness Workshop Slideshow
A slideshow for a public awareness workshop on stalking
Stalking Public Awareness Workshop Handouts
Handouts for a public awareness workshop on stalking that include stalking scenarios, brainstorm activities, victim stories, and tips and resources for supporting loved ones experiencing stalking.
Stalking Public Awareness Workshop Facilitator Guide
This workshop is intended for a broad audience and can be offered in a variety of settings including (but not limited to) PTA meetings, office lunch-and-learns, congregational meetings, or anywhere […]