Abusive Partner Accountability and Engagement Training and Technical Assistance Project
The Abusive Partner Accountability and Engagement Training and Technical Assistance Project provides batterers intervention training and technical assistance that includes organizing and convening training seminars on effective abuser intervention program practices and examination of a variety of existing and emerging models for promoting offender accountability in the criminal justice system. Specifically, training and technical assistance will be provided to jurisdictions undertaking a comprehensive review of current approaches to domestic violence offender accountability and engagement as well as those seeking to enhance existing programs and practices to address identified needs or gaps in both rural and urban areas. This includes creating holistic trauma–informed civil and criminal responses; creating system–wide responses that are correlated to evidence–based best practices of Risk, Need and Responsivity of offenders; addressing sustainability, support and training for programs and community partners to enhance a holistic, coordinated response, and creating holistic responses to female defendants, LGBTQ defendants, youthful offenders, fathering after violence programs, and culturally specific programming.
Closing the Gap in the Criminal Justice Response to Domestic Violence: A Specialized Domestic Violence Courts Training and Technical Assistance Initiative
Building upon its expertise in the planning, development, and implementation of domestic violence courts nationally, the Center for Court Innovation (Center), in partnership with the National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) and the Battered Women's Justice Project (BWJP) will provide targeted training and technical assistance on specialized criminal domestic violence courts to Tribal, Improving Criminal Justice Response, Rural, and STOP grantees.This project will expand the capacity of grantees to create domestic violence courts in areas where historically there is a lack of training on specialized courts due to locality or population. Training and technical assistance for this project will target courts, advocates, law enforcement, probation, substance abuse, mental health, and veteran's treatment courts. The Center will also: provide outreach to tribal grantees; conduct webinars and maintain a Listerve; produce fact sheets; developtwo new webinars per year related to tribal populations; hold two workshops for all grantees related to holding officers accountable and working with probation departments; conduct two National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) sessions with tribal courts; and record and present podcasts for judges and probation officers.
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Grant Programs Served
Domestic Violence Fundamentals Training
The Domestic Violence Fundamentals Training (DVFT) project intends to improve court responses to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence through trainings tailored for court staff, including court administrators, court clerks, court–based mediators, and other court staff that interface with victims and offenders of domestic violence and sexual assault. In order to develop an effective training curriculum, DVFT partners must identify the needs of court staff that have not traditionally received education on the fundamentals of recognizing and addressing domestic violence.
DV RISC (Resource for Increasing Safety and Connection) Resource Center
CCI will establish the DV RISC (Resource for Increasing Safety and Connection) Resource Center as a central clearinghouse for sites to access information, support and training on domestic violence risk and lethality tools as well as to connect to experts in the field.
This project involves empowering JFF grantees with the knowledge and skills to plan and execute local training programs for court staff and stakeholders.
Justice for Families Training and Technical Assistance Project
As the Comprehensive Technical Assistance (TA) Provider for the JFF Program, the Center for Court Innovation collaborates with OVW and other OVW–designated TA Providers to provide a wide range of technical assistance services to OVW JFF Program grantees seeking to develop or enhance their court, civil legal service, and supervised visitation programs to improve the handling of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking matters.
Selected by the Office on Violence Against Women, Domestic Violence Mentor Courts are available to provide support to communities interested in implementing a specialized domestic violence court or enhancing their current responses to domestic violence cases.
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