TA2TA Services for OVW TA Providers

OVW TA Provider Toolkit

OVW TA Provider Toolkit

This toolkit introduces new OVW TA provider organizations and staff to TA2TA: The TA Provider’s Resource Center (TA2TA), which fosters opportunities for OVW TA providers to increase their capacity to meet and address the needs of OVW grantees.

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Virtual Event Services

Virtual Event Services

TA2TA can support the logistics of your virtual session while TA providers focus on the content. TA2TA can set up and host the session, then provide the recording and event data, such as the attendee report and chat transcripts.

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Roundtable Services

Roundtable Services

TA providers may convene roundtables to delve deeper into an issue and identify emerging or complex issues that will further deliverable work. TA2TA can help support the cost(s) of hosting virtual or in-person roundtables as determined by OVW.

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Peer to Peer Collaborations

Peer to Peer Collaborations

TA2TA facilitates peer-to-peer collaborations specifically for TA providers to connect with fellow TA providers through TA2TA connect calls, TA2TA office hours, and topic-specific discussions and meetings identified by TA providers.

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