Multidisciplinary teams are invited to participate in the Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Institute. The Institute will focus on improving collaborative responses for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors who have also experienced human trafficking. As a result of this Institute, participants will be better able to: a) Strengthen multi-disciplinary collaborative strategies in responding to adult and youth survivors of trafficking with domestic violence and sexual assault experiences. b) Recognize the ways human trafficking can intersect with domestic violence and sexual assault. c) Identify resource and collaboration gaps and develop strategies to support survivors. Applications are due by January 23. Note: If you are an OVW STOP sub-grantee or potential sub-grantee, a limited number of travel scholarships are available. (To cover the attendance of one team member and for those who do not already have travel funding allocated for trainings in their grant budgets). Flyer link: For more information and questions, please contact Kennedy Brooks at: