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Trial Skills Institute

Virtual Event
Event Series Event Series: Trial Skills Institute
June 12 @ 1:00 PM5:00 PM EDT
Contact Information
Carrie Tirrell
Email: carrie.tirrell@americanbar.org

The Trial Skills Institute teaches and enhances the litigation skills of attorneys who represent survivors of domestic violence in contested hearings and trials. Working from a hypothetical fact pattern, participants perform closing arguments, give direct and cross examinations, lay evidentiary foundations, and practice impeachments in a series of online modules, and receive immediate feedback and constructive critique from expert faculty.  Participants also have the opportunity to improve other skills, including case strategizing, verbal and nonverbal communication techniques, thinking quickly on their feet, and overcoming objections and other special challenges that may arise in the courtroom.  As a result of participating in this virtual Institute, attorneys will gain confidence and improve their abilities to effectively represent their clients in order of protection and other family law cases.

Registration: Open
Topic Areas
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual Assault
Target Audiences
  • Civil Attorneys