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National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

During February’s National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month, teens and those who support them join together to raise awareness to teen dating violence. Dating violence is more common than many people think. One in three teens in a dating relationship abuse – emotional, sexual or physical. And nearly half (43%) of college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors.
By joining together every February, we can empower young people with knowledge and skills to increase awareness and stop dating abuse before it starts!
By learning about unhealthy and healthy relationships, and especially sharing how friends can support friends in abusive relationships, every teen can make a difference.

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The Connection Between Between Dating Violence and Unhealthy Behaviors

Futures Without Violence

Young people, 12 to 19 years old, experience the highest rates of rape and sexual assault. Youth, 18 to19 years old, experience the highest rates of stalking. Approximately 15.5 million U.S. children live in families in which intimate partner violence occurred at least once in the past year. There are a large number of young people in this country whose lives are affected – sometimes shaped – by violence. Teen dating violence and other forms of exposure to violence are a huge problem in this country. The research below indicates a strong connection between dating violence, exposure to other forms of violence, and unhealthy behaviors.

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Futures Without Violence

In all likelihood, your young teen is experiencing significant emotional, psychological and physical changes. And, while your teen needs you more than ever to help them through this challenging time, they are also seeking independence and turning to peers. While it may seem easier to let your teen shake you loose, hang on. They really do need you and this resource can guide you in how to start conversations with your teen about dating violence.

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Teen Dating Violence Poster

Red Wind Consulting, Inc.

A Tribal-specific Teen Dating Violence poster that can be placed in schools (with space to add Advocacy contact information).

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Respect Week Guide

National Domestic Violence Hotline

The loveisrespect National Youth Advisory Board created Respect Week as a special way for young people to raise awareness during Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (Teen DV Month) in February. This year, our theme for Teen DV Month is “#1Thing,” and you can get more information on setting healthy boundaries at This guide is designed to inspire students and youth leaders around the country to actively and creatively promote messages about dating violence and healthy relationships in their own communities.

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Healthy Classrooms

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Teachers have a unique opportunity to interact with students on a daily basis for the majority of each school year. With the correlation of school shootings and teen dating violence, it is important for teachers to be aware of some of the warning signs, and how physical and emotional violence can be misinterpreted and normalized in the school setting. Teachers can offer support, provide resources, and encourage healthy conversations by utilizing the tools in this resource.

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What Works? Preventing Teen Dating Violence Among Latin@ Youth

February 27, 2018

The National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families & Communities

This webinar offers insight into research, effective practices, and tools related to teen dating violence (TDV) prevention in Latin@ communities. The presenters highlight the new TDV Factsheet, which summarizes the past 10 years of research conducted on TDV among Latino youth. Also higlighted is the work of Casa de Esperanza’s Youth Amig@s initiative in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The findings of a recent evaluation of the Youth Amig@s Mother Daughter Retreat, which seeks to prevent TDV by strengthening family connectedness, is discussed. Finally, presenters provide an overview of the NO MAS toolkit, which offers concrete culturally-specific tools around family connectedness and TDV prevention.

Creating Effective Protection Orders in Teen Dating Violence Cases

January 3, 2018

Teen dating violence is a pattern of abusive or coercive behaviors used to maintain power and control over a current or former intimate partner. Abuse can be physical, verbal, emotional, digital, sexual, and financial. Abuse affects every sex and gender, people in all types of relationships, and people of all income levels.
After this webinar, you should be better able to: Define teen dating violence and understand its dynamics. Distinguish how relationship violence affects young people differently than adults. Identify fundamental legal considerations when protection orders involve minors. Identify options for effective protection orders in teen dating violence cases.

Teen Dating Violence: Cyber Abuse, Social Media, and the Courts

September 19, 2019

With more teens than ever using social media to connect with their friends, it is important that courts and court staff stay abreast of the latest trends and techniques used to abuse. Moreover, with nearly half of middle school students reporting they were victims of electronic dating violence, this webinar provides a better understanding of teen culture and the role technology plays in teen dating violence.

Other Tools & Resources

National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families & Communities

The National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities, a project of Casa de Esperanza is the national institute on domestic violence focusing on Latin@ communities. The National Latin@ Network provides training and consultations to practitioners and activists throughout the US, as well as in Latin America. They engage in federal and state public policy advocacy and conduct research on issues that affect Latin@s in the US and abroad. Visit the website to learn more about Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and discover educational opportunities! Learn about effective strategies to engage youth in talking about healthy relationships and much more, including Casa de Esperanza's Youth Amig@s, a program that engages Latinas in high school, talk about healthy relationships in a culturally responsive manner.

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