The webinar service, Adobe Connect, caps at 1,000 participants (which includes hosts and presenters).
No. Webinar services above the 1,000 participant cap are not currently offered. TA2TA can host the same webinar multiple times to reach your entire audience if necessary. Also, the webinar can be recorded and a link for the recording may be posted or shared.
Subject to availability, there are no restrictions on length. We recommend webinars no longer than 90 minutes.
Closed captioning is included in the webinar services offered and provided for all webinars hosted by TA2TA. If needed, we will also work with you to secure interpreters.
A telephone conference or broadcast audio through the user’s computer speakers is used. TA2TA’s telephone system is limited to 150 participants, but we can easily expand beyond that limit as long as we have at least two weeks’ notice. For larger webinars, we recommend having participants listen through their computer, and then we distribute call in information to only those participants having difficulty with their sound quality.
A report that details when your event took place and who attended (based on the name they entered when they joined the meeting) will be provided. If you make use of our polling feature, the results of your polls are also included. Chat, Q&A, and closed captioning transcripts are provided.
How registration is handled is determined on a case-by-case basis. Some TA Providers elect to handle their own webinar registration, others use TA2TA. If you elect to have TA2TA manage your registration, we will create a registration link that you can send to invited participants, we will send an email reminder to all registered participants, and we will provide you with a list of registrants that includes the first name, last name, and email address of each registrant. If you require additional information, we can provide customized information, but will need to know in advance what information you wish to collect.
Yes, webinars can be recorded upon request. Recordings are provided in Flash Video (FLV) and/or MP4 formats. We do not currently have the ability to provide recordings in any other format.
A member of the TA2TA team at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) will contact you within two business days of the request to review the particulars of your request.