Webinar Event! Protecting Victims and Communities from Firearms in Domestic Violence Cases: Collaborative Strategies

Wednesday, April 26, 2017 60 minutes)

Click here to view the recording.

Is your community doing all it can to prevent firearms-related violence perpetrated by abusers in DV cases?  Are you encountering challenges to implementing existing state, tribal, and federal firearms restrictions? Learn about strategies for effective implementation at all stages of civil and criminal domestic violence cases, as well as a new national project, the Firearms Pilot Site Initiative, through which the NCJFCJ and other national experts will provide communities with in-depth TA, training, and other support.
Presented by:
Nancy Hart, JD, Senior Program Attorney, National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges
Darren Mitchell, JD, 
National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges Consultant