Workshop Details C – OVW LAV Conference 2016 (2)

   Workshops C Tuesday, October 25 10:30 – 11:30 AM    			    C-1	Promoting Protection of Survivors and Their Children Through Civil Processes Judge Ramona Gonzalez, La Crosse County Circuit Court Darren Mitchell, Consultant	  The harmful and long-term effects on children exposed to domestic violence and the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment make it critical that survivors obtain civil court orders that effectively address custody, visitation, and related issues. Through legal/policy and judicial perspectives, this workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to identify challenges and explore strategies for protecting survivors and their children through civil orders.  C-2	Advocating for Young Survivors     Alexandrea Scott, Breaking the Cycle   This workshop will focus on how dating abuse affects teens differently from adults. Participants will learn how to define dating abuse, improve their understanding of its dynamics, and explore the key influences of dating abuse among teens.  Participants will also learn common legal issues to consider when working with young survivors of abuse and how to safely promote disclosure of teen dating abuse. Participants should walk away from the workshop feeling better equipped to work with teens, and even look forward to it!   C-3	Trauma Informed, Victim-Defined:  Practice Issues for Lawyers Jill Davies, Greater Harford Legal Aid, Inc.  “Trauma-informed” and “victim-defined” are commonly used to describe advocacy with survivors of violence, but what do they mean in the context of legal practice? This workshop will explore how a client experiencing the effects of trauma affects legal representation. Topics will include: attorney-client relationship, when trauma is germane to the case, assessing credibility, negotiation preparation, and secondary traumatic stress. The framework of victim/client-defined representation will also be discussed.  C-4	Sexual Assault and the Military     C. Brian Clubb, Battered Women's Justice Project  Sexual assault in the military is a major problem that affects both women and men in all branches of the Armed Forces.  This workshop will address the magnitude of the military sexual assault (MSA); the context in which it occurs; similarities and differences between MSA and that which occurs in the civilian community; adverse childhood experiences and how that trauma history impacts military personnel; and, Department of Defense (DoD) sexual assault programs and legislative and policy initiatives to include 3rd party legal representation for victims. 	 C-5	Breaking Silos: Enhance Your Advocacy for Immigrant Survivors Cecelia Friedman Levin, ASISTA Immigration Assistance, need two panelist names and bios  This interactive panel will explore emerging issues and best practices for securing immigration status for survivors, particularly exploring the intersections of criminal, family and immigration matters to secure safety and legal immigration status. How can DV/SA survivor advocates help immigrant survivors prepare for and navigate these multiple legal venues? How can survivor advocates and attorneys address some of the complex inadmissibility and procedural issues that survivors may face in filing for a VAWA or U visa?  C-6	Advanced Confidentiality	 Alicia Aiken, The Confidentiality Institute	 Title: Advanced Confidentiality In order to ensure the safety of adult, youth, and child victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and their families, grantees and subgrantees under this title shall protect the confidentiality and privacy of persons receiving services. This workshop will provide the best practices, including specific analysis, tools and checklists for common confidentiality dilemmas such as:  •	Subpoenas •	Suspected child abuse (& at-risk adult abuse) •	Warrants