Archives: Orientations
FY24 TA Initiative Grants Financial Management
Presenters: Kristene Moore and Suheyla Lasky, OVW GFMD
FY24 TA Initiative OVW Performance, Assessment, Research and Evaluation (PARE) Unit and Progress Reporting
Presenters: Caitlyn Sargent, OVW, Maureen Baker and Elisabeth Snell, VAWA MEI
FY24 TA Initiative Adult and Virtual Learning
Presenter: Abby Larson, Futures Without Violence
FY24 TA Initiative Accessible Training and Technical Assistance
Presenter: Sandra Harrell, Activating Change
FY24 TA Initiative Program Overview
Presenters: Neelam J. Patel, OVW, and Brianne Smith, NCJFCJ
FY24 Rural: Violence Against Woman Act Measuring Effectiveness Initiative (VAWA MEI)
FY24 Rural: OVW Grants Financial Management
FY24 Overview of Rural Grant Program
FY24 LAV and ELSI: Grants Financial Management
Presenters: Kristene Moore and Erin Lorah Grants Financial Management Division, Office on Violence Against Women