Legal Momentum’s National Judicial Education Program has created a set of educational materials for judges, courts, court-related professionals, schools, parents, teens, and the community to learn about the dangers and consequences of Teen Dating Violence. These Information and Resources sheets were developed by the National Judicial Education Program (NJEP) with funding from the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women. Teen Dating Violence” (TDV) is a scourge that is as epidemic, harmful, and potentially lethal as adult domestic violence. Unchecked TDV can entrench a lifetime pattern of perpetration by abusers and acceptance of abuse by victims. Use of Social Media in Teen Dating Violence: Technology “”How-Tos”” for Judges is a resource guide for judges (and other court system professionals) with categories such as “”How to Stay Up-to-Date on TDV Issues,”” “”How to Retrieve Messages from Smartphones,”” “”How to Obtain Information That May Be Open to ‘E-Discovery’,”” “”How to Ensure Teen Victims Are Protected,”” and “”How to Evaluate ESI (Electronically Stored Evidence.”” “
Use of Social Media in Teen Dating Violence: Technology How-Tos for Judges
Legal Momentum