SPANISH – This packet contains the template documents that have been crafted by the NNEDV transitional housing (TH) team. While there are no mandatory documents in the OVW TH program, there are some required pieces to make sure that services are clearly advertised to survivors; that survivors’ privacy and confidentiality rights are being protected; and that there are clear application and eligibility processes for survivors and advocates to understand. With that said, our toolkit includes other documents that programs usually use. While they are not mandatory to use, we believe that these versions of the documents align with OVW’s philosophy and are available to use at any time. Included: – Plantilla de buenas pr?cticas: Solicitud de vivienda – Herramienta para establecer metas – Procedimiento para quejas en la vivienda transicional – Gu?a de admisi?n de la vivienda de transici?n – ?Bienvenida al programa de vivienda transicional! – Excepci?n para la duraci?n de alojamiento – Glosario de los documentos del conjunto de herramientas la vivienda de transici?n (TH) – Gu?a para la creaci?n o revisi?n de pol?ticas y formularios – Apelaci?n de una negaci?n de solicitud de servicios del programa de vivienda transicional – Plantilla: formulario sobre la divulgaci?n de informaci?n limitado para usar con un cliente – Plantilla de pol?tica/procedimientos para la retenci?n de documentos de clientes – Plantilla: carta al propietario – Plantilla: carta de verificaci?n del participante
Transitional Housing Toolkit – SPANISH
National Network to End Domestic Violence