NAPIESV: Roundtable Report on Justice for SA Survivors from the API Communities

This report documents the advancement of one of NAPIESV’s primary goals, namely the creation of spaces to discuss sexual violence in the API communities. Through the years of research, curriculum development and implementation, NAPIESV has learned that one of the central questions to doing work around issues of sexual violence for API survivors is around the question of justice. In particular, the organization and its community partners have consistently explored the question, “What does justice look like for API sexual assault survivors?” In 2017, NAPIESV hosted a roundtable discussion with community leaders and experts who work on issues of sexual violence to explore and define “justice” for API survivors. The roundtable participants who were from across the API diaspora were joined by Black Americans, Black Canadians, Black Caribbeans, and Native American community leaders. The discussion focused on contextualizing the history of sexual violence in the United States as well as traditional concepts of justice.

organization_for_library: Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity