EVAWI Training Bulletin: Sexual Violence on Campus: Reporting and Collaborative Response

This Q&A document explains what schools must do, describes appropriate prevention efforts, explains how Title IX relates to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Clery Act with regard to keeping a complainant informed, and gives examples of how schools and the Office for Civil Rights can respond to sexual violence. It also tells which school employees are required to report possible sexual violence to school officials, and describes the process for addressing the confidentiality issues involved when a student does not want to be identified or does not want an investigation to move forward. The document describes what a school should do if there is also an ongoing criminal investigation – the school is obliged to proceed with its own investigation, although it may have to delay fact-finding while law enforcement gathers evidence. However, the school should still take action to protect the complainant while this is going on, and should not wait for the criminal case to conclude prior to making its own findings.

organization_for_library: End Violence Against Women International