Connecting OVW Grantees to Technical Assistance

Connecting OVW Grantees to Technical Assistance

Presented by: TA2TA: The Technical Assistance Provider Resource Center

Brianne Smith, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Neelam Patel, Office on Violence Against Women

The primary purpose of the OVW Training and Technical Assistance Initiative is to provide direct technical assistance to OVW grantees, partners, sub-grantees, and potential grantees to enhance and support their efforts to successfully implement projects supported by OVW grant funds. TA2TA is an OVW TA project that maintains a website that includes a directory of TA projects, a library of OVW-funded resources, and a calendar of upcoming training and webinar events. This webinar will provide an overview of the website and how it can be of use to you.