Through this page, you are able to download materials pertaining to the All TA Provider Meeting held in Bethesda, MD November 13-15, 2013. The materials are organized in two major sections, the first contains agendas, bios, and contact lists that will be available in your participant folder, and the second contains materials specific to workshops/plenaries offered at the conference. Please note that we may be uploading additional materials as they come in from presenters.
Presenters were asked to be very judicious about what materials needed to be printed out. As a result, many presenters opted not to print out PowerPoint slides. To accommodate those who prefer to have materials in front of them during a presentation, we will have internet access in the meeting rooms.
This file is fairly large, so it may take some time to download. See you very soon!
(Zip Archive 49.4 MB. Last Updated 11/14/2013)