2015 Summer Campus Program Training and Technical Assistance Institute Track Selection

2015 Summer Campus Program Training & Technical Assistance Institute

June 9-11, 2015 in St. Louis, MO.

Welcome to the Summer Campus Program Training and Technical Assistance Institute. Please remember that each campus must send a multi-disciplinary team to this training. The required number of attendees will vary based on the type of project. Please make sure that each team member registers for the correct track to ensure adequate space and materials are available.

Please select a track below. Please be sure to review the Track descriptions to verify you meet all necessary requirements for participation.

Coordinated Community Response


For Questions Regarding this Track
Please Contact:

Leona L. Smith Di Faustino
Email: leona.smith@calcasa.org
Phone: 916-446-2520 ext#313

Sari Lipsett
Email: Sari.lipsett@calcasa.org
Phone: 916-446-2520 ext#322

Who to Send:
The project director and a representative from the following disciplines: Campus Security/Law Enforcement, Advocacy/Health Center/Community Medical Care, Judicial Afairs/Disciplinary Board, Additional member of your CCR Team or grant partner.

  • All other grantees are required to send 3 people
  • Consortia grantees may send up to 8 people

What to Expect:

The Institute will provide OVW Campus Programs with a sustainable structure of the CCR, its
influence in ending violence against women within the campus community and how to create an
effective and sustainable CCR. Be prepared for group discussion, critical analysis of your campus
systems and response procedures.

Materials to Bring:

  • CCRT Response Policy (or any response policies or protocols on these issues)
  • CCRT Partner MOUs

Campus Law Enforcement


For Questions Regarding this Track
Please Contact:

Cassie Holloway, Training Coordinator
Email: casrhol@ecok.edu
Phone: 580-559-5861

Leah Lyon, Director
Email: llyon@ecok.edu
Phone: 580-559-5737

Who to Send:
Project Director/Coordinator (the one responsible for daily implementation of program); Two (2) members of Campus Law Enforcement/ Security (preferably Chief and First Line Supervisor or First Responder); Local Legal Agency Representative (ideally this would be your liaison/grant representative from the legal agency on your grant Memorandum of Understanding such as District Attorney’s office, local law enforcement department, etc.). From your local legal agency select the person that will be most involved in training and partnership building regarding your CCRT/MOU. If this is not feasible, a second officer or other university staff member or CCRT member who is involved in officer training or program issues can attend with approval from the TA provider.

  • All other grantees are required to send 4 team members
  • Consortia grantees may send up to 6 team members

What to Expect:
This institute is designed to assist OVW campus programs in developing, implementing, and enhancing efforts in Violence Against Women (VAW) training for campus and local law enforcement/security departments. Participants attending this program will actively participate in reflective tasks, application-based activities, and demonstrative training techniques. The focus will be on critical elements of successful law enforcement training, and topics such as Dynamics of VAW, Effectively Training Law Enforcement, Initial Call, Trauma Informed Response, Sexual Assault, Investigation, Interconnectedness of Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Domestic Violence, and Stalking on Campus. Participants will learn new and creative ways to present these topics, determine the specific additional training needs of their programs, learn how to develop or enhance relationships between law enforcement and victim services providers, and connect with national training resources.

Conduct and Disciplinary Personnel


For Questions Regarding this Track
Please Contact:

Althea Hart, Technical Assistance Specialist
Email: altheahart@gmail.com
Phone: 769-233-0478

Who to Send:
Attendees must include: Project Director or Program Coordinator (the person primarily responsible for day to day implementation of OVW Campus Grant and assist with the coordination of trainings for student disciplinary board); Title IX Coordinator if applicable; Student Disciplinary Board member(s) responsible for or directly involved in the revision, assessment and training of the disciplinary/judicial affairs board and campus policy on sexual violence.

Materials to Bring:
It is mandatory to send a copy of the campus Student Disciplinary Process, Policy and/or Conduct Code that applies to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking- i.e. Code of Conduct, Sanctions, Sexual Misconduct Code, Hearing Code, Amnesty Policy, Victim Bill of Rights) to your TA provider for this focus area, MSCASA, at altheahart@gmail.org, 3 weeks prior to the Training and Technical Assistance Institute.

Prevention and Education


For Questions Regarding this Track
Please Contact:

Dorothy Edwards, Ph.D., Executive Director
Green Dot etc., Inc.
Email: edwards@livethegreendot.com

Who to Send:
Plan to send members of your professional staff who will be most integral to the implementation of your mandatory education program. Please do not send individuals who will not be directly involved in implementation of the education program.

Materials to Bring:

  • Your current strategic plan as it relates to your comprehensive prevention education program
  • A list of all of the programs you currently utilize
  • An outline of the mandatory education program you currently have in place (if applicable)